Global Sanitation Graduate School - Indonesia Blog


GSGS Graduation Ceremony

Water Supply and Sanitation Infrastructure Management held a graduation ceremony for 6 students of GSGS; Ms. Rugun Firni Sipayung, Ms. Intan Kusumayanti, Ms. Zulfa Amala, Ms. Larasati Putri Defi, Ms. Josephine Amadea, and Ms....


GSGS Graduation Ceremony

Water Supply and Sanitation Infrastructure Management held a graduation ceremony for 2 students of GSGS; Ms. Rinda Masia Putri Pertiwi (Batch 1) and Mr. Moch Zaelani Pebriansyah (Batch 2). GSGS Graduation Ceremony was held...


GSGS Graduation Ceremony

Water Supply and Sanitation Infrastructure Management held a graduation ceremony for 4 students of GSGS from the first batch; Mr. Adhitya Rakhmadi, Mr. Ahmad Iman Tauhid, Ms. Angela Deviliana, and Mr. Belal J.K. Alhabil....


GSGS Workshop – Leadership and Teamwork

Water Supply and Sanitation Infrastructure Management (WSSIM) Study Program of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering (FCEE), Institute of Technology Bandung held a workshop with topic: Leadership and Teamwork. This event was held...


FSM 6 Virtual

Dr. Dyah Wulandari Putri gave explanation and opinion in FSM6 Indonesia Track, 27-28th April 2021, The Westin Hotel, Jakarta, for the topic “Operational of Decentralized Wastewater Management in Indonesia”. Mrs. Dyah also promoted the...


GSGS Graduation Ceremony

Water Supply and Sanitation Infrastructure Management held a graduation ceremony for 4 students of GSGS from the first batch; Ms. Saffanah Gumilangsari, Ms. Happy Tesyana Widodo, Ms. Adelya Nurul Fitri, and Ms. Wika Maulany...