Global Sanitation Curriculum
The modules are embedded into the existing courses of WSSIM ITB. The development of these modules is standardized so that the module materials can be deliver properly through the relevant subjects. WSSIM...
The modules are embedded into the existing courses of WSSIM ITB. The development of these modules is standardized so that the module materials can be deliver properly through the relevant subjects. WSSIM...
Admission ADMISSION CRITERIA The student candidates can apply for a GSGS scholarship with the following criteria: Have a good academic track record and fulfill the requirements of admission procedures. Have a high motivation to...
Dr. Ahmad Soleh Setiyawan ST, MT. Head of Water Supply and Sanitation Infrastructure Management Master Program (WSSIM) and Coordinator of GSGS Program in WSSIM-ITB He completed his undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in Environmental Engineering...
GSGS Program Promotion GSGS conducted several promotions to introduce students, especially for undergraduate students who will graduate related to the GSGS program. Not only at ITB but also several campuses in Indonesia Coordination Meeting...