MSc program

Global Sanitation Curriculum

The modules are embedded into the existing courses of WSSIM ITB. The development of these modules is standardized so that the module materials can be deliver properly through the relevant subjects.

    WSSIM ITB Curriculum   Global Sanitation Curriculum
    1st semester    
1 IS5002 Research Methodology 3
2 IS5001 Settlement Infrastructure Planning 2  
3 IS5004 Spatial Data-Based Environmental Infrastructure   2
4 WI-7001 Digital Literacy and Academic Ethics 2  
5 IS5005 Water Policy and Environmental Economics   2  
  IS5006 Solid Waste System Planning2  
    2nd Semester    
1 IS5007 Water Supply Management 2  
2 IS5008 Wastewater Management and Treatment System 2
    3rd Semester    
1 IS6001 Water and Sanitation Infrastructure Planning (Studio)3
2   IS6002 Project Management for Water and Sanitation Infrastructure2  
  IS6090Methodology Seminar   2
    4th Semester    
1 IS6091Research Result Seminar 3
IS6092Research Implementation7  
3   IS6093 Master Session2    
    Elective Course:
1   IS5251 Sustainable Urban Drainage System2  
IS5252 Community Based Development2  
IS5253  Assesment in Sanitation Field2
 4 IS5254Institutional and Financial Aspects in Sanitation Field2    
5   IS5255Solid Waste Infrastructure Management2
6 IS6152Fecal Sludge Management 2
IS5258Emergency Sanitation Management2    
IS6153Water Supply Management2  
9IS5257Sustainable Water and Sanitation Infrastructure2
10IS6154Landfill Planning2
11IS5256Institutional and Financial Aspects of Water Supply2
12IS6155Climate Resilient Water and Sanitation Infrastructure2
13IS5255Water and Sanitation Laboratory2
14IS6156Water and Sanitation Sector Programming2
15IS6157Big Data Analytics2
16IS5256Sanitation Interventions and Public Health Risks2
17IS5261Financial Aspects of Waste Management2
18IS6160Partnerships in Waste Management2
19IS5260Optimization in Waste Operations2
20IS5259Waste Management Information System2
21IS6159Feasibility of Waste Management Technology2
22IS6161Waste Management Circulation2
23IS6162Life Cycle Analysis of Waste Management2

(*) elective course for WSSIM student but compulsory for GSGS student

The following is a syllabus for each course:

Course Code : IS5002/ 3 SKS
Course Name : Research Methodology
Summary Syllabus : The study materials focus on the nature and objectives of research, research methodology, and the steps involved in conducting research. Students will learn how to define research topics, identify problems, and evaluate the novelty or innovation of a study. The course covers formulating research questions, hypothesis development, research design, and experimental methods. It also addresses sampling techniques, sample characteristics, and practical considerations. Finally, students will learn data processing, analysis, discussion, conclusions, and how to write scientific reports.
Complete Syllabus : Students understand the nature and objectives of research, as well as the concepts and elements of research methodology. They are capable of selecting a research topic, identifying and formulating research problems, and assessing the novelty or innovative value of the research. Students can define research questions, develop hypotheses, and design research for their master’s thesis. They are also able to design experiments or other data acquisition methods in line with the nature of their discipline. Additionally, students can process data, analyze results, and draw conclusions based on their research findings. Finally, they are proficient in writing scientific reports.
Course Code : IS5001/ 2 SKS
Course Name : Settlement Infrastructure Planning
Summary Syllabus : The study materials include the spectrum of research, research ethics, and the guidelines for writing scientific papers. It covers research methods and data collection techniques, as well as the process of creating a literature review. The course also explores descriptive statistics, estimation procedures, hypothesis testing in statistics, and multivariate statistical analysis. Students will learn non-parametric statistics, logistic regression, and qualitative data analysis. Additionally, they will be trained in data processing using R programming.
Complete Syllabus : Students are able to analyze and evaluate the research methodology used in scientific papers based on proper research principles. They can determine appropriate data collection methods for studies related to clean water and sanitation, in accordance with the research objectives. Students are also capable of processing the collected data accurately to align with the required study. They understand the principles, uses, and important aspects of research methodology. Moreover, they have the competency to apply scientific research methods to a topic in the field of clean water and sanitation. Students can write a scientific paper following the correct writing guidelines and formats set by the institution, while also understanding the ethical considerations involved in conducting research.
Course Code : IS5004/ 2 SKS
Course Name : Spatial Data-Based Environmental Infrastructure
Summary Syllabus : The study material covers the basic concepts of geospatial data and information, an introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS), data models, and spatial analysis. It also includes simple hydrological data models and spatial analysis modeling techniques. These topics aim to provide an understanding of how geospatial data is managed, analyzed, and applied in various fields, particularly in relation to hydrology and spatial planning.
Complete Syllabus : Students are able to understand the planning of environmental infrastructure as a support for urban facilities and settlements. They can also comprehend a comprehensive approach that combines practical experience and method selection. Furthermore, students are equipped to understand GIS as a tool for spatial understanding and can apply GIS software as a means to bridge spatial knowledge commonly used by practitioners with thematic knowledge applied in development planning, such as statistics..
Course Code : WI-7001/ 2 SKS
Course Name : Digital Literacy and Academic Ethics
Summary Syllabus : The study materials cover the concept of digital communication, models, and strategies for effective and positive digital navigation and collaboration. It also includes the utilization of digital tools, the principles of data literacy, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning. Additionally, the topics address academic integrity and ethics, as well as the integrity and ethics involved in research, projects, and scientific publications.
Complete Syllabus : The student is able to understand digital concepts, models, and strategies for effective and positive communication, collaboration, research, consumption, creation, and distribution of information in the digital world. They can effectively and positively utilize digital tools. The student also comprehends the principles of data literacy, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning. They are committed to upholding and respecting academic integrity and ethics. Furthermore, they recognize and uphold integrity and ethics in conducting research, projects, and scientific publications.
Course Code : IS5005/ 2 SKS
Course Name : Water Policy and Environmental Economics
Summary Syllabus : The study material covers various aspects of water resource management, including regulations and laws governing the field. It discusses adaptation and mitigation strategies in water resource management, policy and regulations, and the impact of climate change and land use. Key concepts include planned discharge and methods for calculating it, as well as policies for controlling water pollution, particularly during dry flow conditions. The material also explores sustainable drinking water development, methods for calculating reservoir guidelines using historical and Markov techniques, discharge estimation through spatial correlation and discrete Markov methods, and reservoir operation simulations. It concludes with the concept of Bellman’s dynamic program and simulation techniques for reservoir management.
Complete Syllabus : Students understand the components of the hydrological cycle, the characteristics of hydrological components (precipitation and discharge) that are random and stochastic, as well as the watershed system unit in water resource management. They comprehend the basic principles of water resource management, including the hierarchical policies at the national and regional levels, as well as the regulations and institutions related to water resource management in terms of both quantity and quality. Students are knowledgeable about policies in the technological, economic, and social aspects of water management. They understand the impacts of climate change and land degradation on streamflow characteristics, particularly the effects on water infrastructure related to flooding and drought. Students also grasp the calculations for water allocation for irrigation and domestic needs, as well as related water allocation policies. Furthermore, they are familiar with water pollution control policies based on water quality data series and the determination of water quality conditions based on dry-season discharge in water bodies. Finally, students comprehend policies on reservoir optimization as a key infrastructure for water resources in Indonesia.
Course Code : IS5006/ 2 SKS
Course Name : Solid Waste System Planning
Summary Syllabus : The study materials cover various aspects of waste management in developing countries, including the characteristics of waste, current issues related to waste management, and systems for waste collection, transfer, and transportation. It explores waste management in semi-urban areas and along riverbanks, the role of the informal sector in implementing the 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle) principle, and community participation in waste management. The course also focuses on appropriate waste treatment technologies, including composting and simple incinerators, as well as regional landfill planning. Field visits to selected landfill sites (TPA) provide practical insights into the application of these concepts.
Complete Syllabus : Students are able to understand and comprehensively identify waste management issues in cities of developing countries, considering both technical and non-technical aspects. They are capable of evaluating waste management systems in a given area and designing waste management systems with various scenarios. Additionally, students can decide or select the best and most applicable waste management system, taking into account technical and non-technical considerations, including financing schemes.
Course Code : IS5007/ 3 SKS
Course Name : Water Supply Management
Summary Syllabus : The study material covers key issues in drinking water related to economics, technology, and management. It includes problems and methods for evaluating drinking water, the development of appropriate technologies for clean water supply in developing countries, and the latest technological advancements in drinking water provision. Additionally, it explores the water transmission system, types of raw water, intake structures, and efficient distribution patterns for drinking water supply. Non-technical challenges in water provision, economic analysis, and integrated problem-solving approaches are also discussed. The material emphasizes government programs based on community participation and involving communities in drinking water issues.
Complete Syllabus : Students will understand the basic principles of drinking water supply systems, including raw water sources, transmission, treatment, and distribution. They will also grasp the institutional, financial, and feasibility aspects related to water supply and treatment systems. Students will be able to perform essential calculations required in planning a drinking water supply system and will gain practical knowledge for evaluating and planning the development of such systems in the field.
Course Code : IS5008/ 2 SKS
Course Name : Wastewater Management and Treatment System
Summary Syllabus : The study materials cover various aspects of wastewater management, including local and regional wastewater management systems, centralized urban wastewater management, and the impact of urbanization on sanitation. It also explores centralized wastewater treatment, sludge treatment, and the principles of sustainable wastewater management systems. Additionally, discussions focus on the development of wastewater management in Indonesia.
Complete Syllabus : Students are able to evaluate liquid waste and sanitation issues worldwide, particularly in developing countries. They can plan strategies and manage wastewater infrastructure to prevent pollution optimally, with community involvement. Students are also capable of developing innovative management concepts and selecting appropriate technologies. Additionally, they understand the requirements and principles of centralized wastewater treatment.
Course Code : IS6001/ 3 SKS
Course Name : Water and Sanitation Infrastructure Planning (Studio)
Summary Syllabus : The study materials cover an overview of water and sanitation infrastructure management in West Java. This includes identifying the necessary data and concepts for planning and managing wastewater infrastructure, drainage systems, waste management, and clean water systems. It also involves creating proposals for infrastructure planning, collecting primary data, analyzing existing conditions, and developing planning concepts for clean water and sanitation infrastructure management.
Complete Syllabus : Students are able to design planning activities for the provision of clean water and sanitation facilities in the study area. They can collect data related to the technical, feasibility, and sustainability aspects of providing clean water and sanitation facilities. Additionally, students can evaluate and plan the provision of clean water and sanitation facilities in the study area. They also possess the ability to communicate effectively and collaborate with teams and stakeholders in these activities.
Course Code : IS6002/ 2 SKS
Course Name : Project Management for Water and Sanitation Infrastructure
Summary Syllabus : Students study the urgency of planning in projects, including a review of the design phases, technical constraints, and aspects such as economic, technical, legal, and project timing. They also learn about the relationship between project owners, planners, experts, contractors, and project supervisors, and the influence of each party on the final project outcome. Additionally, students explore construction management and the parameters that determine construction success, along with case studies on project management. The material also covers the principle of the time value of money and its application to the management of sanitation and clean water. Students learn about the elements and dynamic programming models, along with case studies on project planning in the field of clean water and sanitation.
Complete Syllabus : Students are expected to understand how to optimize clean water and sanitation systems using linear programming and dynamic programming approaches, and be able to apply both methods to solve optimization problems related to the environment, particularly in the field of clean water and sanitation.
Course Code : IS6090/ 2 SKS
Course Name : Methodology Seminar
Summary Syllabus : Students learn various aspects of research methodology, starting with an introduction to methodology, problem formulation, literature review, and theoretical frameworks. They also study research design and methods, ethics, and issues related to research, as well as the process of writing research proposals. Students are taught how to present and discuss proposals, analyze data, and interpret research findings. Additionally, they learn how to write research reports and how to publish and disseminate research results.
Complete Syllabus : Students are able to design research, master their research topics, and present their research ideas clearly. They can also write thesis reports and scientific papers following academic writing standards and research ethics.
Course Code : IS6091/ 3 SKS
Course Name : Research Result Seminar
Summary Syllabus : Students learn the stages in thesis work, starting with the submission and evaluation of UGB, followed by the submission and evaluation of proposals. Then, students participate in Seminar 1 to support their thesis work, followed by the actual thesis writing. Afterward, students attend Seminar 2 and undergo an evaluation phase to assess the progress and quality of the thesis.
Complete Syllabus : Students are able to design and conduct research, collect data, and master their research topics. They can also present their research ideas and write thesis reports and scientific papers in accordance with academic writing standards and research ethics.
Course Code : IS6092/ 7 SKS
Course Name : Research Implementation
Summary Syllabus : Students learn the steps in research planning, which include data collection, data management, and data analysis. Afterward, students interpret the results of the data analysis and ultimately write a research report based on the findings.
Complete Syllabus : Students are able to design and conduct research, collect data, and master their research topics. They can also present their research ideas and write thesis reports and scientific papers in accordance with academic writing standards and research ethics.
Course Code : IS6093/ 2 SKS
Course Name : Master Session
Summary Syllabus : Students learn about the preparation for the master’s defense, including the structure and conventions of thesis or dissertation writing, as well as how to present research results. They also prepare for the Q&A and discussion sessions and understand the evaluation and graduation process. Additionally, students learn how to manage feedback and revisions, the importance of publishing scientific work, and the ethics and academic integrity involved. Case studies of master’s defenses are also included in the curriculum.
Complete Syllabus : Students are able to design and present research findings effectively using supporting visual media, and can answer questions, address criticisms, and respond to suggestions from the examiners comprehensively and professionally.

Selected Course

Course Code : IS5251 / 2 SKS
Course Name : Sustainable Urban Drainage System
Summary Syllabus : Basic principles and settlement and urban drainage planning, development of sustainable / environmentally sound / eco drainage drainage systems, rainwater retaining technology and runoff water control, water runoff control technology with soil infiltration, financial aspects, community empowerment, ecology, and case studies
Complete Syllabus : Basic principles and settlement and urban drainage planning, development of sustainable / environmentally sound / eco drainage drainage systems, rainwater retaining technology and runoff water control, water runoff control technology with soil infiltration, financial aspects, community empowerment, ecology, and case studies
Course Code : IS5252 / 2 SKS
Course Name : Community Based Development
Summary Syllabus : This course provides an understanding of the understanding of the concept of community-based development model transformation; model concepts; and moral justification, understanding of community-based development concepts (domains in social life, economic and political exclusion, empowerment vs. dis empowerment, community capacity , leadership and change management, effective community organizations, collaboration, partners, social networks, institutions in community-based development, behavior change, and the program monitoring and evaluation techniques.
Complete Syllabus : In accordance with the mandate of SDGs 2030, access to safe and sustainable drinking water and domestic wastewater management is the goal of development. Household waste management is also one of the problems of basic sanitation infrastructure that must be addressed. One model of the provision of water and sanitation services is the community-based development approach. This course provides an understanding of the understanding of the concept of community-based development model transformation; model concepts; and moral justification, understanding of community-based development concepts (domains in social life, economic and political exclusion, empowerment vs. dis empowerment, community capacity , leadership and change management, effective community organizations, collaboration, partners, social networks, institutions in community-based development, behaviour change, and the program monitoring and evaluation techniques.
Course Code : IS5253 / 2 SKS
Course Name : Assessment in Sanitation Field
Summary Syllabus : Introduction of assessment methods in the field of sanitation, including assessment related to public health and assessment of waste water treatment services
Complete Syllabus : Introduction of assessment methods in the field of sanitation, including assessment related to public health and assessment of waste water treatment services
Course Code : IS5254 / 2 SKS
Course Name : Institutional and Financial Aspects in Sanitation Field
Summary Syllabus : This course will provide more comprehensive understanding of institutional and financial aspects in the field of sanitation. The lecture material is divided into several topics, namely (1) Water and Sanitation Governance and (2) Business Models and Financing in Water and Sanitation Management
Complete Syllabus : This course will provide more comprehensive understanding of institutional and financial aspects in the field of sanitation. The lecture material is divided into several topics, namely (1) Water and Sanitation Governance and (2) Business Models and Financing in Water and Sanitation Management. In addition, in this lecture students are required to be active in finding papers and / or case studies related to water and sanitation management and discuss them in groups.
Course Code : IS5255 / 2 SKS
Course Name : Solid Waste Infrastructure Management
Summary Syllabus : Waste management infrastructure is based on current relevant issues, waste management systems, waste management in semi-urban and urban areas, appropriate waste management technology, and improving the quality of waste final processing sites and regional landfill planning, as well as the implementation that according to national policy.
Complete Syllabus : Waste management infrastructure is based on current relevant issues, waste management systems, waste management in semi-urban and urban areas, appropriate waste management technology, and improving the quality of waste final processing sites and regional landfill planning, as well as the implementation that according to national policy . The lecture was carried out by prioritizing the search for problems directly in the field, by taking case studies of strategic solid waste infrastructure (both in the planning and operating stages). Lectures and references provided are used as references to clarify problems and provide direction for solving problems encountered. With a credit amount of 2 credits, the lecture is conducted 2 hours per week. There is 1 (one) task given, carried out by each group of students. To complete report writing, they must search data through surveys, such as interview observation, measurement, and sample analysis. Tasks will be evaluated for progress before mid exam, and scheduled to be presented in class according to the schedule at the end of the lecture. Assessment is based on 3 main activities, namely the results of the execution of tasks consisting of Reports, Presentations, activeness of discussion in class, midterm exam and final examination. Outcomes of the course are expected that students are able to analyze the management of solid waste infrastructure both in the planning or feasibility study and infrastructure stages, then are able to find important points for the improvement (optimization) of the management of the waste infrastructure, both technically and non-technical regulatory aspects that apply in Indonesia.
Course Code : IS6152 / 2 SKS
Course Name : Fecal Sludge Management
Summary Syllabus : This course provides learning related to fecal sludge management including an understanding of the importance of management of fecal sludge and transmission routes for the spread of diseases due to fecal sludge, understanding the characteristics of fecal sludge and processing of fecal sludge, evaluating fecal sludge treatment plants and developing fecal sludge management models.
Complete Syllabus : This course provides learning related to fecal sludge management including an understanding of the importance of management of fecal sludge and transmission routes for the spread of diseases due to fecal sludge, understanding the characteristics of fecal sludge and processing of fecal sludge, evaluating fecal sludge treatment plants and developing fecal sludge management models.
Course Code : IS5258 / 2 SKS
Course Name : Emergency Sanitation Management
Summary Syllabus : This course will provide a more comprehensive understanding of sanitation management in the area which is planned for disasters.
Complete Syllabus : This course will provide a more comprehensive understanding of sanitation management in the area which is planned for disasters. The lecture material is divided into several topics, namely (1) Introduction to WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) in disaster and humanity, (2) Key actors (key parameters) and international legal frameworks that apply in disaster and humanity, (3 ) Relations between disaster and humanity, (4) Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Cluster (5) Monitoring and evaluation in disaster and humanitarian sanitation systems, and (6) Assessment of needs in disaster sanitation systems.
Course Code : IS6153 / 2 SKS
Course Name : Water Supply Management
Summary Syllabus : This course will provide insight into the basic principles of a drinking water supply system that includes raw water sources, transmission, processing and distribution through classroom learning.
Complete Syllabus : This course will provide insight into the basic principles of a drinking water supply system that includes raw water sources, transmission, processing and distribution through classroom learning. These principles will be reviewed from the aspects of institutions, finance and feasibility. In addition, the basic calculations needed in planning for drinking water supply will be discussed briefly and supplemented with practical knowledge in the field through case studies, discussions and bench marking
Course Code : IS5257 / 2 SKS
Course Name : Sustainable Water and Sanitation Infrastructure
Summary Syllabus : The study materials cover the concepts and principles of sustainability, water and sanitation management, as well as water resources and their management. Additionally, the study includes tools or approaches for sustainability assessment, the concept of Citywide Inclusive Sanitation, and sustainable management planning, including Sanitation 4.0.
Complete Syllabus : Students are expected to understand the basic principles of sustainable water and sanitation infrastructure systems. They should be able to design and develop water and sanitation infrastructure concepts that meet sustainability principles. Additionally, students must be able to create a management plan for water and sanitation infrastructure that includes technical aspects, institutional frameworks, financing, and community involvement. They should also be capable of effectively communicating ideas, concepts, and solutions related to sustainable water and sanitation infrastructure, both orally and in writing. Lastly, students should possess practical knowledge to evaluate sustainable water and sanitation infrastructure systems.
Course Code : IS6154/ 2 SKS
Course Name : Landfill Planning
Summary Syllabus : The study materials cover various important aspects of sustainable landfill management. It starts with understanding the concepts and principles of sustainable landfill management, followed by site analysis and the selection of appropriate landfill locations. The planning and design of efficient and environmentally friendly landfills are also key areas of focus, along with technologies for leachate treatment and management that minimize negative impacts. Gas management in landfills is discussed as an essential part of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Operational aspects and the maintenance of sustainable landfills are also considered, along with the importance of community participation and institutional roles in supporting successful landfill management. Finally, the study includes case studies on best practices in sustainable landfill management that can be adopted to improve existing systems.
Complete Syllabus : Students are expected to understand the basic principles of landfill planning. They should be able to design and develop concepts for landfill infrastructure. Additionally, students must be capable of creating a management plan for landfill infrastructure that includes technical aspects, institutional frameworks, financing, and community involvement. They should also be able to effectively communicate ideas, concepts, and solutions related to landfill infrastructure, both orally and in writing. Lastly, students should possess practical knowledge to evaluate landfill infrastructure systems.
Course Code : IS5256/ 2 SKS
Course Name : Institutional and Financial Aspects of Water Supply
Summary Syllabus : The study materials cover several key aspects of drinking water governance. This includes understanding the roles of different actors in drinking water governance, such as the state, market, and the third sector. It also explores various financing models for drinking water management and business models involved in its management. Public Private Partnerships (PPP) are discussed as a method for financing drinking water infrastructure. Additionally, the study includes case studies on drinking water financing to illustrate practical applications of these models.
Complete Syllabus : Students are expected to understand and explain key approaches and theories related to water governance, both in piped water systems and off-grid (non-utility) contexts. They should be able to identify actors and decision-making processes along the drinking water supply chain in these systems. Additionally, students should analyze the structure of drinking water governance through specific case studies, including the integration of policies and strategies into government planning and budgeting systems. They must also be able to identify state, market, and governance failures in the provision of safe drinking water services and regulatory frameworks worldwide. Furthermore, students should evaluate key elements in evidence-based policy development and have knowledge of sanitation financing, whether decentralized or under local government autonomy. They should understand and explain various business models applicable in water and sanitation management, identify the challenges and capital required for sanitation financing, and understand the role of Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) in sanitation funding.
Course Code : IS6155/ 2 SKS
Course Name : Climate Resilient Water and Sanitation Infrastructure
Summary Syllabus : The study materials cover several key aspects of climate resilience. This includes understanding the concept of climate resilience, risk and vulnerability analysis, and planning for the adaptation of water and sanitation infrastructure. Students will explore climate-resilient water and sanitation infrastructure technologies, as well as integrated water resource management. Additionally, the study emphasizes the importance of community participation and risk management. The role of financing and governance in climate-resilient infrastructure is also examined. Lastly, the study includes case studies on best practices in climate-resilient infrastructure to provide practical insights.
Complete Syllabus : Students are expected to understand the basic principles of climate-resilient water and sanitation infrastructure systems. They should be able to design and develop concepts for climate-resilient infrastructure in water and sanitation. Additionally, students must be capable of creating a management plan for climate-resilient infrastructure that includes technical, institutional, financial, and community involvement aspects. They should also be able to effectively communicate ideas, concepts, and solutions related to climate-resilient water and sanitation infrastructure, both orally and in writing. Finally, students should possess practical knowledge to evaluate climate-resilient water and sanitation infrastructure systems.
Course Code : IS5255/ 2 SKS
Course Name : Water and Sanitation Laboratory
Summary Syllabus : The study materials cover various methods and techniques related to water analysis and management. These include sampling methods and the preservation of liquid samples, as well as the analysis of alkalinity, acidity, aggressive CO2, iron (Fe), and manganese (Mn). Students will also learn about hardness analysis, nitrogen compounds, and practical explanations of related experiments. Additionally, the course covers integrated water resource management, oil analysis, coagulation-flocculation processes, and the analysis of dissolved oxygen, BOD, and COD. Students will also study solid analysis, theory of instruments for measuring heavy metals, and the analysis of sand distribution.
Complete Syllabus : Students are expected to understand the principles of laboratory analysis in environmental issues and be able to apply them for evaluation, design, and experiments, along with their interpretation, commonly encountered in the design and construction of clean water and sanitation infrastructure using appropriate techniques and methods. Additionally, students should have the ability to develop and conduct experiments, as well as analyze and interpret data related to the planning and operation of water and sanitation infrastructure.
Course Code : IS6156/ 2 SKS
Course Name : Water and Sanitation Sector Programming
Summary Syllabus : The study materials cover an introduction to programming in the field of water and sanitation, starting with the basics of programming. It includes hydraulic and hydrology programming, water and wastewater treatment programming, asset and operations management programming, as well as data analysis and visualization programming. Students will also explore programming for web and mobile-based applications. The course culminates in a final project focused on the development of programming-based applications.
Complete Syllabus : Students are expected to understand the basic principles of programming systems in the field of water and sanitation. They should be able to design and develop programming concepts for water and sanitation systems. Additionally, students must be able to effectively communicate ideas, concepts, and solutions related to programming in water and sanitation, both orally and in writing. Finally, students should possess practical knowledge to evaluate programming systems in water and sanitation.
Course Code : IS6157/ 2 SKS
Course Name : Big Data Analytics
Summary Syllabus : The study materials cover an introduction to Big Data, including its technologies and infrastructure. Students will learn about data collection and integration, as well as data modeling and analysis. The course also includes visualization and communication of analytical results, spatial and temporal analytics, and the security, privacy, and ethics related to Big Data.
Complete Syllabus : Students are expected to understand the basic principles of big data analysis systems. They should be able to design and develop concepts for climate-resilient water and sanitation infrastructure. Additionally, students must be capable of creating a plan for managing large-scale data. They should also be able to effectively communicate and represent ideas, concepts, and solutions related to big data, both orally and in writing.
Course Code : IS5256/ 2 SKS
Course Name : Sanitation Interventions and Public Health Risks
Summary Syllabus : The study materials cover an introduction to sanitation and public health, including diseases related to water and sanitation. Students will explore evidence-based sanitation interventions (from epidemiological studies, meta-analyses, etc.) and the concept of clean and healthy living behavior (PHBS). The course also addresses health impact and risk inequalities based on gender, health risk management through sanitation, and sanitation partnerships and advocacy within the public health sector.
Complete Syllabus : Students are expected to understand the basic principles of sanitation intervention systems and public health risks. They should be able to develop intervention plans for sanitation and public health risks based on scientific evidence. Additionally, students must be able to effectively communicate ideas, concepts, and solutions related to sanitation interventions and public health risks, both orally and in writing. Finally, students should possess practical knowledge to evaluate sanitation intervention systems and public health risks.
Course Code : IS5261/ 2 SKS
Course Name : Financial Aspects of Waste Management
Summary Syllabus : The study materials cover the basic concepts of waste management, including cost-benefit analysis of waste management. Students will learn about funding sources for waste management and conduct financial feasibility analysis for waste management projects. The course also explores performance-based financing in waste management, carbon financing mechanisms in waste management, and case studies of waste management projects based on financing. Lastly, the course will examine the prospects and trends in waste management financing.
Complete Syllabus : Students are expected to understand the basic concepts and principles of financial management in waste management. They should be able to analyze the costs and benefits of waste management. Additionally, students will learn to design sustainable financing models for waste management and evaluate financial performance in waste management. They will also gain an understanding of partnership-based financing mechanisms in waste management.
Course Code : IS6160/ 2 SKS
Course Name : Partnerships in Waste Management
Summary Syllabus : The study materials cover the basic concepts of partnerships in waste management, including regulations and policies related to waste management partnerships. Students will explore different partnership models in waste management and the contractual mechanisms involved. The course also addresses capacity building within waste management partnerships, managing relationships, and conflict resolution. Additionally, students will learn about monitoring, evaluation, and the sustainability of partnerships. The course includes case studies on waste management partnerships to provide practical insights.
Complete Syllabus : Students are expected to understand the concepts, principles, and scope of partnerships in waste management. They should be able to analyze the legal framework and policies that support waste management partnerships. Additionally, students will learn to design contractual mechanisms and risk-sharing arrangements in waste management partnerships. They will also develop the capacity of stakeholders involved in these partnerships. Finally, students will be able to evaluate the success and sustainability of waste management partnerships.
Course Code : IS5260/ 2 SKS
Course Name : Optimization in Waste Operations
Summary Syllabus : The study materials cover various aspects of waste management systems, including optimization methods and waste collection route analysis. Students will explore waste sorting and recycling processes, as well as the management of final disposal sites. The course also covers waste processing technologies, regulations, and policies. Additionally, students will examine case studies related to waste management to apply their knowledge in real-world contexts.
Complete Syllabus : Students are expected to identify and evaluate issues in waste management operations using engineering principles, scientific knowledge, and mathematics through interdisciplinary approaches. They should be able to plan effective and efficient waste management strategies based on field studies to address specific needs related to public health, safety, and well-being. Additionally, students will apply the latest knowledge and technologies in optimizing waste management operations to develop innovative and proven solutions. They will also demonstrate teamwork skills, leadership, emotional maturity, independence, and effective communication with various stakeholders.
Course Code : IS5259/ 2 SKS
Course Name : Waste Management Information System
Summary Syllabus : The study materials cover an introduction to information systems, basic concepts of waste management, and the role of information systems in waste management. Students will explore the technologies and tools used in waste management information systems and learn about the development of these systems. The course also addresses security and ethics in information systems. Additionally, students will examine case studies and implementation strategies, as well as the evaluation and optimization of waste management information systems.
Complete Syllabus : Students are expected to identify and evaluate issues in waste management using engineering principles, scientific knowledge, and mathematical approaches. They should be able to develop solutions tailored to the needs of communities regarding health, safety, and well-being, considering global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors. Additionally, students will apply information technology and engineering knowledge to develop innovative and proven waste management information systems.
Course Code : IS6159/ 2 SKS
Course Name : Feasibility of Waste Management Technology
Summary Syllabus : The study materials cover an introduction to waste management, including the characteristics and composition of waste. Students will explore waste processing technologies and conduct technical, economic, environmental, and social feasibility analyses. The course also focuses on decision-making and implementation strategies for waste management projects.
Complete Syllabus : Students are expected to understand the basic concepts, characteristics, and sustainable waste management practices. They should be able to comprehensively evaluate waste processing technologies. Additionally, students will develop skills in planning, decision-making, and implementing waste processing projects.
Course Code : IS6161/ 2 SKS
Course Name : Waste Management Circulation
Summary Syllabus : The study materials cover the basic concepts of waste management circulation, including subsystems for waste collection and transportation, sorting and processing, and transportation and final disposal. Students will also learn about the integration and synchronization of these subsystems, as well as supporting aspects of waste management circulation.
Complete Syllabus : Students are expected to understand the basic concepts and principles of circulation in waste management. They should be able to evaluate the subsystems involved in waste management circulation. Additionally, students will develop skills in planning and managing comprehensive waste circulation systems.
Course Code : IS6162/ 2 SKS
Course Name : Life Cycle Analysis of Waste Management
Summary Syllabus : The study materials cover the basic concepts of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), including LCA methodology and its applications in waste management. Students will explore LCA tools and software, as well as the challenges and opportunities in applying LCA to waste management. The course also addresses the ethics and governance of LCA and looks into the future of LCA in waste management.
Complete Syllabus : Students are expected to identify and evaluate waste management issues using engineering principles, scientific knowledge, and mathematical approaches. They should be able to develop solutions tailored to community needs related to health, safety, and well-being, considering global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors. Additionally, students will apply information technology and engineering knowledge to develop innovative and proven waste management information systems.