
IHE Delft launches a master’s program (Master of Science, MSc) with grants from the Bill and Mellinda Gates Foundation (BMGF). IHE Delft wants to increase the number of MSc graduates in the field of sanitation by collaborating with several university partners in developing countries who have an interest in organizing sanitation. This program is held in order to develop fields related to non sewerage and to make Masters graduates in this field more accessible to professionals in Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia.

Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) as one of the best universities in Indonesia realizes the importance of active involvement to participate in improving the quality of life of the Indonesian people, especially in sanitation. The GSGS program runs under the Water Supply and Sanitation Infrastructure Management Master Program (WSSIM), Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering (FCEE), Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB).

ITB is a partner university (called Tier 1) that will become a “Regional Centers of Excellence” and develop the number of Graduate Schools in its area to have 2 partners (called Tier 2 partners), by developing academic approaches through the delivery of adapted MSc programs. At present, ITB has 2 partners. They are Universitas Andalas (Padang) and the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (Surabaya).

The GSGS program in WSSIM ITB includes the provision of scholarships for those who will become the program’s intake. The benefits for becoming GSGS Student are as follows:

  • Get all materials from the GSGS curriculum and other materials of WSSIM ITB. The material was compiled by more than 100 professionals in the field of sanitation (especially non-sewerage).
  • Tuition fee scholarship (full / half). In the GSGS program, scholarships are allocated for tuition fee funding (full or half).
  • Student Research Exchange. Research funding & the opportunity to conduct research or share research with other universities.
  • International Water Association (IWA) membership. GSGS students are funded to become IWA members for 2 years.
  • Become part of the 1000 sanitation professionals targeted by the GSGS program.